Launch ApplicationLaunch Application LaunchGSU Membership Application Form Name* First Last Panther Number (9 Digits)*GSU Email* Alternate Email* Please provide an alternate email that you check regularly as LaunchGSU emails can sometimes be triggered as spam and not come thru to your student email.Cell Phone*Twitter HandleInstagram HandleLinkedInExpected Date of GraduationMajor*MinorWhy do you want to become a member at LaunchGSU? (Be as detailed as possible. Skipping this question or not providing a complete answer will delay the processing of your application)Do you have a business?NoYesHave you formed a legal entity?NoYesWhat is your legal entity?LLCInc.501C3Sole-ProprietorWhat is your company name?If your company has a website, please provide the web address What is your potential project/business name?Provide a brief description of your business or entrepreneurial idea*Be as detailed as possible. Skipping this question or not providing a complete answer will delay the processing of your applicationWhat resources do you need/are you looking to gain from LaunchGSU?Type of business (select all that apply)ManufacturingWholesalingRetailingServicePlease hold the command key to select multiple.Select all that apply (Manufacturing)Apparel and other textile productsChemicals and related productsElectronics and other electrical equipmentFabricated metel productsFood productsIndustrial machinery and equipmentPrinting and publishingRubber and miscellaneous plastic productsStone, clay, and glass productsPlease hold the command key to select multiple.Select all that apply (Wholesaling)ApparelElectrical goodsGroceries and related productsHardware, plumbing, heating equipmentLumber, construction materialsMachinery, equipment, suppliesMotor vehicles, automotive equipmentPaper, paper productsPetroleum, petroleum productsPlease hold the command key to select multiple.Select all the apply (Retailing)Auto and home supply storesBuilding materials and supply storesClothing storesFloristsFurniture storesGift, novelty, and souvenir storesGrocery storesHardware storesJewelry storesRetail bakeriesShoe storesSporting goods and bicycle storesPlease hold the command key to select multiple.Select all the apply (Service)Appliance repairAutomotive repairBabysittingBookkeepingConsultingDance instructionElectrical servicesExterminationFlower decoratingHouse cleaningLawn carePaintingPlumbingTranslatingTravel agencyTutoringWeb design and maintenancePlease hold the command key to select multiple.How far along are you on development?*Have an idea but haven’t began working yetHave a solid idea and am beginning my researchI have been doing research for more than 6 months and am ready to assemble a teamI have a viable product or service and am ready to pull together operations and start selling in the next 6 monthsResearch is completed, I am ready to start sellingI have made at least one sale and/or have active customersAre you taking any entrepreneurship-centric classes?No, I am not currently involved in entrepreneurship classes or eventsYesAre you a member of any entrepreneurship-focused clubs?No, I am not currently involved in entrepreneurship classes or eventsYesWhat organizations are you involved in? Select all the applyNoneAlpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity/ Gamma Alpha ChapterAlpha Iota Omicron Fraternity, Inc.Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. / Eta Mu ChapterAlpha Kappa Psi Business FraternityAlpha Omicron Pi / Gamma Sigma ChapterAlpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / Zeta Mu ChapterAlpha Phi Omega Service FraternityAlpha Tau Omega Fraternity - Georgia State ColonyAlpha Xi Delta Sorority / Delta Xi ChapterAmerican Choral Directors Association Student ChapterAmerican Marketing AssociationAmerican Society for Interior DesignAnime ClubArmy Reserve Officers' Training Corps ClubArt History Student LeagueArt Student UnionAscend GSU Student ChapterAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM), Student ChapterAssociation for Information Systems Student ChapterAssociation of Certified Fraud ExaminersAssociation of Information Technology ProfessionalsAssociation of Latino Professionals in Finance and AccountingAtlanta Student Investors ClubAurora Game Development ClubBermuda Delegate AssociationBeta Alpha Psi / Beta Mu ChapterBeta Beta Beta National Biological Honor SocietyBig Brother Big Sister at Georgia State UniversityBlue PrideBridge BuildersBrothers Leading And Cultivating KnowledgeChildren's Miracle Network Dance MarathonCircle K InternationalCollege CurlsCollegiate Entrepreneurs' OrganizationCollegiate Recovery CommunityComic Book ClubCommunicAID NationConnecting the Dots "Why we do what we do"Conscious CollectiveCosplay ClubCreative Writing CollectiveCrown JewelsDance Ensemble at Georgia State UniversityDelta Lambda Phi FraternityDelta Phi Lambda Sorority Inc., Gamma ChapterDelta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc.Delta Sigma Pi / Kappa Chapter (Business Fraternity)Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc./ Zeta Phi ChapterDelta Zeta Sorority / Delta Delta ChapterDigital Media GroupEdgewood Sculpture ForumEmpowHEREon Culture Communications OrganizationEstate Planning and Wealth Management Law SocietyExLucisFighting ForwardFilm Club at Georgia State UniversityFinance SocietyGamma Iota Sigma - Zeta chapterGeorgia Restaurant OrganizationGlobal BrigadesGlobal Peace Youth CorpsGolden Key International Honour SocietyGraduate Artist ForumGraphic Design ClubGSTVGuitar SocietyHabitat for Humanity at Georgia State UniversityHarnessing Young People EarlyHer Campus GSUHouse Arrest 2 Championship Dance Team, IncorporatedHuman MachinesIEEE GSU Student BranchInfinite Appeal Modeling OrganizationInformation Systems Audit and Control Association Student ChapterInnovators of Creative ExpressionInternational Association of Exhibitions and Events GSU Student ChapterIota Phi Theta Fraternity, IncorporatedJumpstart Atlanta at Georgia State UniversityKappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band FraternityKappa Sigma Fraternity / Epsilon Omega ChapterLambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc.Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity IncorporatedLambda Upsilon Lambda / La Unidad LatinaLead TeamMedical Students Making a DifferenceMock TrialNameNational Association for Music Education: CollegiateNational Association of Black Accountants, Inc.National Association of Black Journalists at Georgia StateNational Black Law Student Association- Pre-Law Division (NBLSA PLD)National Society for Minorities in Hospitality (NSMH)New Hope GSUNew SouthNonProfit Leadership AllianceNu Rho PsiOmega Phi Beta Sorority, IncorporatedOmega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. / Zeta Theta ChapterOrder of OmegaPads for PrincessesPanther Breakaway/Alternative BreaksPanther Entertainment Group (PEG)Panther Food Recovery NetworkPanther GamingPantherHackersPanthers Allure Student Organization at Georgia StatePeerless PerfexionPeople for the End of Animal Cruelty and Exploitation (PEACE) ClubPhi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc./Pi Alpha ChapterPhi Chi ThetaPhi Mu SororityPi Delta Psi Fraternity, IncorporatedPi Kappa Alpha / Epsilon Nu ChapterPi Kappa Phi Fraternity/Beta Kappa ChapterPlayers of Georgia State UniversityPrinter's WorkshopPsi Chi Psychology International Honor SocietyPublic Relations Student Society of America at Georgia State University (PRSSA)Quiet StormReal Estate SocietyReal Models of Georgia State UniversityRed Cross Club at Georgia State UniversityRialto Student AmbassadorsRoyal Flame Chapter of the National Residence Hall HonorarySahajayoga Meditation ClubScreenwriters' Film AssociationSecular PanthersSigma Alpha Omega SororitySigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc./Omicron GammaSigma Lambda Upsilon/ Senoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, IncorporatedSigma Nu Fraternity, Inc./ Eta Gamma ChapterSigma Sigma Rho Sorority, Inc.Sisters Helping Each otherSneaker Community at Georgia StateSocial Studies AssociationSocial Work C.L.U.B. at Georgia State UniversitySociety for Human Resource Management at Georgia State UniversitySociety of Composers, Inc.Society of Professional Journalists at Georgia State UniversitySofter TouchSport Management and Administration ClubSpotlight Program BoardSt. Jude Up 'til DawnStudent Alumni AssociationStudent Council for Exceptional ChildrenStudent Environmental TeamStudent Judicial BoardStudent League of Independent Potters and SculptorsStudent Veterans Association (SVA)Students Expressing Life through FashionTerminus Film SocietyTextiles Artisans GuildThe National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers at GSUThe National Society of Leadership and SuccessThe SignalTheta Nu XI Multicultural Sorority, Inc./Zeta ChapterTree Campus USAUndergroundUnited Muslim Relief at GSUUrban UpliftWomenLeadWorld Youth AllianceWRAS - Album 88Young Men's Christians Association- GSU ChapterZeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Lambda NuZeta Tau Alpha/ Delta Lambda ChapterOtherPlease hold the command key to select multiple.Please list the other organizations you are involved in:What skills do you have (select all that apply)NoneAlgorithmsAnalyticsAndroidApplicationsBloggingBusinessBusiness AnalysisBusiness IntelligenceBusiness StorytellingCoachingCodingCloud ComputingCommunicationComputerConsultingContentContent ManagementContent MarketingContent StrategyData AnalysisData AnalyticsData EngineeringData MiningData ScienceData WarehousingDatabase AdministrationDatabase ManagementDigital MarketingDigital MediaEconomicsEditingExecutiveEvent PlanningGame DevelopmentHadoopHealth CareHiringHospitalityHuman ResourcesInformation ManagementInformation SecurityInformation TechnologyiPhoneLegalLeadershipMacManagementMarketingMarket ResearchMedia PlanningMicrosoft Office SkillsMobile App DevelopmentMobile DevelopmentNegotiationNetwork and Information SecurityNewslettersOnline MarketingPresentationProject ManagementPublic RelationsRecruitingRelationship ManagementResearchRisk ManagementSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)Social MediaSocial Media ManagementSocial NetworkingSoftwareSoftware EngineeringSoftware ManagementStrategic PlanningStrategyTech Skills Listed by JobTech SupportTechnicalTrainingUI / UXUser TestingWeb ContentWeb DevelopmentWeb ProgrammingWordPressWritingOtherPlease hold the command key to select multiple.What other skills do you have?Which languages (select all that apply)CC#C++CSSiOSJavaJavaScriptGoObjective-CPythonRubyScalaShellSwiftSQLTypeScriptPlease hold the command key to select multiple.Are there other formal members of your team?NoYesHow many?Member GSU Email Member GSU Email Member GSU Email Additional Members?NoYesMember GSU Email Member GSU Email CAPTCHA