The Main Street Entrepreneurs Seed Fund supports Georgia State student entrepreneurs, recent alumni and Georgia State community entrepreneurs with seed funding and mentorship to start and grow new ventures.

Angad Sahgal, CEO
Current Undergraduate Student
[email protected]

Amit Sahgal, Co-founder
Community Member
[email protected]
Persons with disabilities (PWD) are marginalized and denied authority and control over their lives, resulting in limited participation in decision-making processes that affect them. This often diminishes their voice, perpetuates their marginalization, and restricts their ability to engage fully in society.
An app that enables a PWD the ability to manage and navigate their decision-making using a structured decision tree and task management framework that works in conjunction with care givers and extended network to support their decision-making.
Revenue will be generated by providing enterprise licenses to public/private sector employers, disability support and advocacy organizations, as well as providing sanitized data and analytics to corporations, universities working on research, product development and marketing for PWD’s.
Serviceable market of the 70 million PWD in the US and the corporations, universities and researched focused organizations whose product development could benefit from the data generated by users.
LMDI app is the first of its kind. Other solutions in the market are not decision making focused but simply focused on subject and education.
70% Technology
50% Solution development
30% Marketing
20% Pilot user testing
What does entrepreneurship mean to you?
As a person with a disability, entrepreneurship has allowed me to pursue my dreams and pave the way for the next generation of disabled entrepreneurs. I know what it means to work with limitations and turn them into opportunities. Most importantly, I am purpose-driven and have the resilience to succeed.
How did you meet your co-founder?
I’ve been fortunate to have my dad as my co-founder, making us a team right from the start of my journey. Now, as we expand our team, our primary objective is to harness the power of our networks, support our mentors and collaborate with organizations like Synergies Work, a pioneering national venture incubator that provides support to entrepreneurs with disabilities. Our aim is to identify individuals who not only share our unwavering passion but also possess skill sets that complement and enhance our current capabilities. We are working to build a diverse and talented team that will drive our venture to new heights.
What made you decide to go into business with your son?
Angad has shown me that he is more than capable of learning, growing and contributing to society. By developing the app together, I am empowering my son, challenging societal stereotypes, and promoting inclusivity. And, of course, we complement each other’s skill sets. Angad’s understanding of this cohort and my three decades of experience make us a fantastic team.
What is your major at Georgia State and how did it prepare you to run a business?
I am part of the Inclusive Digital Expression and Literacy (IDEAL) program at GSU, a program targeted at people with disabilities where we audit classes as a part of our coursework. Through this program, I have had broad exposure to multiple areas, which has given me the confidence to experiment and learn, a key ingredient in the entrepreneurial journey.
What innovative technologies are being leveraged in your business?
LMDI leverages multiple technologies integrating decision support structure, analytics and marketplace with a core focus on accessibility.
Have you always been entrepreneurial?
My dad started his first business in India when he was 17, providing lease financing for Motorcycles and Motor scooters. With no structured process or credit appraisal system, Amit started a lease finance company with approximately $5000 and grew the business in 4 years to $ 1 million. Entrepreneurship is in my blood.
What are your long-term goals for the company?
I have an incredible family that is very supportive. However, I also know that many people with disabilities do not have the privilege of choice and decision rights. We have not been heard though we are the “largest” minority. At LDMI, our focus is to change this. We are focusing on neurodiverse and people with intellectual disabilities and progressively expanding to cover all disabilities. LMDI and my purpose is to help as many people as possible with decision support, help research organizations better understand PWD and be the bridge between PWD and businesses so that our needs are reflected in future products and services.
What is a fun fact about yourself that most people don’t know?
I start my day by listening to Bollywood music and practicing my dance moves.
The Marcus Foundation supports Georgia State student entrepreneurs, recent alumni and Georgia State community entrepreneurs with seed funding and mentorship to start and grow new ventures.